Wednesday, 18 August 2021


 anyone could use

to take themselves from having zero side
hustle income all the way
up to plus a hundred pounds a day now
as with any side hustle these do require
a little bit of creative power you have
to obviously do stuff
in order to generate this passive income
and it could even take you a year or so
to get
towards a hundred pounds a day or more
but why i'm giving you these three
unusual ideas first of all you do not
need to create a website i'm going to
show you how to have a business
completely independent of having email
and a website
all the kind of usual storefront things
you might need to do
for a side hustle you're going to use
three websites you've got a choice or
whichever one catches your eye
and then you can actually build a
business that could actually make you
passive income
now as for me i know that i have been
using passive income
certainly ways to make passive income in
my life for a couple
of years now you're watching one of
those income sources for my family so i
work full time
and i make youtube videos and social
media and products
in my spare time so if one of these
three options seem like the right thing
for you i'm going to encourage you
drop me a comment below click subscribe
so that i can follow your progress and
give this video a thumbs up
but let me know in the comments which
one you're going to start
maybe even announce it to the community
so that we can check
out your business
hi there welcome back to my offer for
channel my name is jennifer so let's
dive straight in so the very first
website i'm going to show you actually
you probably have a thought of this
but the first idea i'm going to give you
is actually having a drop
shipping business now i said the three
ways i'm going to describe for you in
this video i'm going to take you through
step by step
how i would build a business i have
actually used
these exact methods most of them myself
i used to have a drop shipping business
in the past i made t-shirts and jumpers
and it made me some money before i
started this youtube channel
so i know that it works what you would
do is then try and get eyeballs to your
but let me show you one idea to actually
have a drop shipping business
so i'm using canva and this is what i
want you to do
you would use an online publisher such
as canva such as even adobe spark
something like
that but we're going to use canva and
the whole point is
to use a website like teespring
which is a drop shipping company they
will actually create products using your
designs okay
so what you would do is anyone can do
this it doesn't cost you any money
you obviously pay a little bit of added
services fees in the background
but you can actually create items that
then teespring
will send directly to your customer you
do not need to produce physical items
you do not need to worry about inventory
they will simply have your website your
front store
on their teespring site people when
they're searching for designs
will find it it could be t-shirts it
could be phone cases and i'll show you a
whole host of things
they will then make it and ship it to
your customer
now the reason i love drop shipping is
because as i said you're not getting
involved in the physical items
now this is one business as you know in
recent times as well
people like unique things and i would
say if you're somebody that doesn't
really fancy being
front facing to your customers you don't
really want to make social media you
don't really want to make videos you
don't want to be coaching or anything
like that
making products that people are
interested in
such as these quite niche products that
we're going to deep dive into
is the ideal thing for you so let me
show you
quickly how you would actually go about
and using teespring to do that so this
you would come here and open an account
now i have an account
every time you see the mama for you on a
video you might see my little
merchandise pop up
that's teespring okay so that's part of
it that you can do
from this site as well it can also
integrate into usually other kind of
blogging platforms quite easily
and also google storefront so when you
go into google somebody could search and
even find your item
but let's say for example we wanted to
sell socks
okay quite niche i know but you
literally can use
teespring to start designing your own
socks and this is pre-made socks
obviously but let's go into one of them
and then you can actually see these are
people who have actually started
their designs and you can simply buy
them if we wanted to create our own
you would click start design up here
once you have an account
it will then go into their product
now we need a design don't we so this is
where i'm using another great tool if you have
any kind of social media business
you want to create graphics for facebook
youtube thumbnails
it's free there's certainly premium
product add-ons that you can you put
onto your subscription for it
but it's free in its basic element i
love it i make my thumbnails with it i
do a lot of stuff
and so you would actually simply start
to design something so i would usually
go to let's see t-shirt we can even
search for that
see what suggestions it gives us okay
and it's got some rather kind of
blank t-shirt designs that you could
take these templates
and then make your own okay so i really
love the idea of let's say the the
christmasy themed ones
so let's say you maybe want to make
christmas jumpers or christmas socks or
something okay
so this is where it's giving you some
information about t-shirts that's
excellent so we can start designing
right away and then literally you can
play around with this
so let's say we want to call instead of
santa's little helper
you could say santa's little reindeer
just as an example okay
you can play around with the positioning
you might say actually i don't want
snowflakes on my design so take those
instead i'm going to look for a reindeer
and so you really intuitively use this
tool we're going to go into elements and
do reindeer to see if we can get a free
and basically you're looking for
anything that says free on it
so there you go like this is just
something really straightforward
and i can use that where it's free
images you don't pay a royalty on those
so yeah you could always play around
with the font
you can play around as i said with the
wording do whatever you need to do
to make this your design and i'll make
that a little bit bigger
so we can fit it all in and then
we could have a design that we like now
you don't need to use a template you can
create it completely from scratch
some niches that are quite popular right
now is anything vegan
perhaps for dogs and cats you know if
you're a dog lover a cat lover
i would say things like christmas items
when you have maybe names you could do
something personalized for people as
well and then in canva they have this
great option
i've used a t-shirt template as i showed
you how to get there
and you simply save it okay so you save
it as a jpeg or something like that
so i'm going to save that right now and
they can actually even print on t-shirts
if you want but what i want to do is go
here and actually
click the download and click at a png
okay so the best standard of
file that we can make it jpeg tends to
be a little bit
less resolution so not as clear when
you're blowing it up perhaps on fabric
and clothing
so i'm going to hit download it's going
to save and it gives me a preview of
what it could look like i actually quite
like that
and then we're going to go back into
so i had my t-shirt design what i would
like to do now is actually think about
putting this on let's say a t-shirt okay
so i would like to put it on oh a hoodie
let's go for that
okay so we're gonna go with a hoodie and
let's go with yeah let's go with that
one there
we're going to sell it and as you can
see it's all so intuitive
i'm going to go to add image we're going
to go to that one there
add it right there and then bingo so
that is how easy
this all is and you can totally play
around perhaps you want it a little bit
we're kind of moving it so that we get a
little bit more of
santa's little reindeer there and you
know then you can put something on the
if you want so we could actually you
know do the same again if you want it to
be double on the front and on the back
super super easy and then literally
you go through and you could even have
different colors
so maybe we want to offer black i don't
know whatever you fancy
and then what you would do is then set
the price okay
so this is just a case of switching it
to uk
pounds if you're based in the uk and
then deciding what you want to charge
now it could well be you say i want to
make it 29 pounds okay
and you can see you're gonna make two
pounds profit then from a sale so this
is where you judge
actually what pricing you want to set
but once you have it you click you know
and then that is something on your
storefront you could actually
sell these items what you would then do
is try and get
eyeballs to your tea spring account what
you want to do is then perhaps start to
think about social media you could
create an actual storefront
and say this is my url go here for my
christmas shop items
that limitless options to you are really
in your favor
i really love this way of starting a
nice little business
think about family and friends could you
do something for them
think about everything where you could
really add a lot of value
something so simple those two websites and and you
could have a drop shipping business
there's socks there's masks there's
phone cases you name it a great
unique unusual business that you could
start now the next
idea that you probably have not thought
about as a side hustle a passive income
idea as well that you could start from
and i absolutely guarantee this could be
a real winner for you
it's actually using youtube but we're
going to use a particular website to
make videos
now i make videos every single week i've
had my face in front of the camera for
well nearly three years now making money
and finance and personal finance videos
but another way that you could actually
make content is of course
not using a camera and putting your face
out there
perhaps you're the type that's not
really that way inclined you actually
educating people or helping people but
you don't want to be the face of it
and here's a way this website will allow
you to make youtube videos okay
it's a way that you can actually create
content without being a person in front
of it
and it's called in video now i'm going
to leave my link
down below and if you're interested in
this method in particular
i want you to pay attention there's also
going to be a code down below it's my
affiliate code
it gives you 50 off if you actually want
to use
in video they have fantastic packages
because quite a complex bit of software
website that you're using
there is a charge unlike but
if you're wanting to make video
for youtube or for facebook ads for
for anything like that fantastic tool
and actually one of the cheapest i've
seen out there
so my link is down below that'll take
you to really great prices
and also as i say there's a 50 off code
as well so don't say i'm not good to you
so what we're going to do is nvidia from
as i say is making youtube
videos in particular i think this is a
huge opportunity right now
because we're seeing a lot more content
being video based online
google also promotes video content much
easier than blogs nowadays
you know if you think about it first
thing i do when i'm searching i go on
google and i go on youtube i want to see
somebody showing me what to do
so with this idea i truly believe people
can make a lot of passive income money
you create the video once you upload it
to youtube
you kind of work on your seo your
optimization for getting eyeballs on it
through their search engine
the right topics what are people
interested in what could you help people
you know you can create videos and
basically just record the voiceover for
it even or not at all you can just have
text as i'll show you
so let's actually dive in now why i use
youtube in particular is because when
you have over 4
000 hours of watch time a year and
1 000 subscribers you qualify for what's
called their adsense so
basically their partnership program on
people make between maybe one dollar
right the way up to even 30 40
per thousand views okay so every channel
is unique
there's no guarantees about how much
money you can make but i will say
with my level of subscribers as i'm
making this video right now
i'm under about 48 000 subscribers i
it's the equivalent almost of my day job
in revenue okay so it is a good amount
of money
you put in the backbone you build it up
over maybe a year or two
and it could certainly be a really great
passive income for you
if you're able to put in that creative
time to make videos to look for things
that people are actually wanting an
interest in
and make it good quality as well so let
me talk you through this process so the
first thing you want to do is create a
youtube account of course that allows
you to upload
what you would do is go on there create
a name for your channel based on the
videos you'd like to make or perhaps
your name
and get it all set up and ready i have a
video about how to start a youtube
channel as well
particularly important since there's
been a couple of changes on how to do
so that will be down below that you can
go straight to it after this video
okay so i'm wanting to create a video
now here is some suggestions for you
the topics of motivational videos
law of attraction daily inspiration are
i focus on money and finance and side
hustles and success
but i equally know people need a lot of
help with their mindset
with their health their well-being
mental health as well
i see a lot of opportunities to make
great videos in those niches they're
evergreen we call them which means that
people are constantly looking
it's not something that's only christmas
based or it's not something that's only
for the summer months
they're looking for just great
motivational inspirational content
and this particular niche i know there's
a lot of viewers consistently for
so for example when i typed in
motivational video i went down
to the second video here which is by ben
lyon scott okay he's got nearly one and
a half
million subscribers what i want to draw
your attention to is
this video was made two days ago and
he's nearly got 100k
views already so that's pretty great
he's second in the youtube search so
that tells us
that he's ranking people are watching
that video but i want to draw you to
this fact okay
so i'm in a thing called social blade
and this is where we're going to
estimate well how much is this guy
making for videos these videos that he
are completely faceless it all includes
maybe clips of famous people
or general moving with motivational
words and maybe he speaks on top
it's completely generic anyone could do
although he's obviously doing it very
well so if we go into social blade
this is where i estimate how much
they're earning what kind of views are
they getting you can do this with anyone
on youtube
we notice that he's obviously based in
australia i believe that's what that's
meant to mean there
he has over 110 million
views on his channel incredible he's
been around for seven years
but he's only made 44 videos during that
incredible i'm nearly at 300 just over
as i make this video so he's doing
incredible with it he doesn't appear on
the videos
he just makes them about topics
motivational topics
now if we look at some of the stats this
is his estimated monthly and yearly
amounts okay so
estimated to be making nearly eighteen
thousand pounds just over seventeen
thousand pounds a month
now what i would say is this is not an
absolute about what you could achieve
okay i certainly know when i checked out
my own values it had underested me
compared to what i actually get because
there's no way that they're able to know
your exact figures are estimating and
that's why it varies so much
i think he's probably making about half
a million don't i say
a year from this okay he's doing really
well might even be closer towards that
but still that's a huge amount of money
from making
44 videos in the past seven years now if
we deep dive we can then see you know
what is he likely to be making a day
he's estimated to be making well over
500 pounds
a day so that's with a couple of years
of consistent effort
he's making quality and that's why i
think if you don't want to be the face
in front of youtube
there's still an opportunity for you so
to kick off let's assume you might want
to make that motivational video
so what i'm going to do is i'm going to
search for a suitable template
so motivational video if we just search
there and it comes up with a whole
host of different options and you can
look through you can also create your
own one okay you don't have to use what
they're suggesting
but literally the templates are quite a
good starting point
for styles that you might enjoy or
something that's a bit different
so let's say you wanted to start with
just something really basic so we'll go
with this one this is new
you go hit use template and then it'll
up the video editor for you now i'm not
going to play around too much with this
but basically it's just like canva
except it's for videos
you could then play around you can put
in different media so you can actually
then put in
i don't know something like motivational
and look for different people that you
might want to include in so we've got
things to do with like people being
scoring the word impossible and
obviously there's ways that you can then
put in different videos that feel right
and these are all royalty-free
depending on the package that you sign
up with so you can totally build out a
and even add your own voice over okay so
if you feel that you've got a really
great video but you're gonna talk over
it maybe put the words
really spend a lot of great time making
the best video you can
and as i say with youtube you create
that video
on in video you then put it on youtube
and then as you build more videos and
topics that people are interested in
for example on you know youtube you
might think i might want to do like a
motivational video so something when
people wake up they would go
10 minutes to start your day right get
the inspiration
for your niche that you want to
concentrate on you know that's had 1.2
million in the past six months there's
definitely room
for getting the right videos to people
they're maybe desperate for them right
so it's a great website using nvidia to
your youtube channel that then you can
have passive income without showing your
over time you certainly can well achieve
100 pounds
if not more a day so the final unique
way that i would love for you to try to
maybe start with passive income in your
you might have helped me mention about
audio books and even writing kindle
books direct publishing from amazon i
have a book it's called the master money
you can get your own copy or kindle
version from amazon directly
but how about actually turning your hand
at something else a little bit different
people are desperate for people who are
confident to
read out books to be narrators on those
kindle books
or those other formats for them
sometimes people don't want to read out
their own books
and that for that reason i'm going to
suggest this website it's it is an audiobook creation
place if you like
they're supplying audio books to audible
and itunes if you've got a talent for
speaking or you've got a unique accent
perhaps you're scottish or welsh or
irish you've got a great english accent
whatever it
is even if you speak foreign languages
as well this is a great option for you
people are desperate authors are
desperate for you
to maybe audition and speak out loud
their book and bring it to life
just imagine you're opening up books to
a group of people who perhaps this is
the only way to get literature
is for actually hearing it or they may
be out on a walk they don't normally
read books you could really help them
now why i love this particular option
for passive income
there's two ways you can make money and
i'll show you what to do so if you go on
to the acx website let's actually go and
this is the option you want to choose
titles accepting auditions okay
so there's a whole host of books we've
got over 2 000 books
looking for somebody to speak them out
loud obviously what you need to do is
you need to audition for them
then if you get picked there's two ways
you can make money the first way
is with a royalty deal that means every
time that audio book is sold
you get a cut of the profits so you
could well make a lot of money very
you record the book once to the certain
standards that they are going to give
and then you could keep getting paid
over and over and over
again fantastic passive income so as i
say there's over 2000 titles right now
i'm looking for someone to speak them
aloud so let's actually deep dive into
this okay
so let's say that i want to find a book
to actually make some money with
so my voice age well let's see i'm
definitely an adult so i'm going to
apply that
my accent we're going to see have they
got they have got scottish it is indeed
it's a glass region kind of an edinburgh
accent but i'm from glasgow so i'm going
to click on there
okay so we've got a couple of titles
seven titles are looking for a
glaswegian scottish voice
i could obviously then deep dive and see
gender i am so i can say female although
usually it doesn't really apply
too much okay it's taking it down to
four so it looks in this case i could
apply for four books and i'm laughing at
this title did you see as well crappily
ever after
god bless that's a brilliant title now
this particular book you click on
whichever one you're interested in
and it's a royalty share okay so rather
than getting paid
per hour which is another way you could
get paid on this site
they would simply give you maybe between
like 200 even 400 dollars for doing a
perhaps all depends on the length of the
book i prefer the royalty share as a
passive income
though so for example you can read
through this was put out
just in the past couple of months
looking for somebody and it's the first
fiction humor novel wonderful so it's
already actually getting
quite a lot of reviews it's got good
average stars and they've got 400 people
follow this particular lady so you know
that could be certainly one that i
applied for
and give it a go so you would simply
create an account you would audition
submit a tape of you speaking a little
passage for them
you never know you might actually get
paid you may get selected
to read audio books and there's no limit
to what you can do you know you create
it once you're giving up in this case
like eight nine hours of your time
obviously they need to prove it as well
but yeah you could be someone who gets
to speak aloud books and that absolutely
would be a great
passive income for you so please do
check out one of these three
very unusual ideas that probably most
people wouldn't think about for having
passive income
but i can assure you all of them as you
can see you can start today
it might take you six months it might
take you a year to hit some major life
decision moments with the money
but with effort with a talent as well
you absolutely could make this a passive
income source for you and also do some
good in the world you know whether it's
speaking a lot of books
whether it's creating products whether
even it's youtube videos there's
something for everyone so if you have
enjoyed today's video please do give it
a thumbs up hit subscribe follow my
and thank you so much for watching i'll
see you very soon

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